Partners of the study

We would like to thank the following partners for their help in making this study possible.


Triatlon Vlaanderen

Triatlon Vlaanderen

Triatlon Vlaanderen (3Vl) is a non-profit association that unites triathletes, triathlon clubs and organisers in Flanders. Triatlon Vlaanderen wants as many people as possible to participate in triathlons and multi sports, creates opportunities to meet the personal challenges, promotes triathlon and multi sport as a complete life-time sport and strives to obtain medals at European championships, World Championships, Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Triatlon Vlaanderen strives for experience in an ethically and medically responsible framework, sustainability, challenge, innovation and perfection.


Sport Vlaanderen

Sport Vlaanderen

Sport Vlaanderen is the sports administration of the Flemish government. The mission of Sport Vlaanderen is to encourage as many people as possible to do sports, preferably in a long-term manner and in the best possible circumstances.

Sport Flanders:

  • Organizes sports camps and sports lessons in the facilities of Sport Vlaanderen;
  • Organizes together with partners all sorts of activities and events to let the Flemish get to know sports;
  • Supports the construction and maintenance of permanently signposted mountain bike routes, running circuits and fit-o-meters;
  • Offers sports training courses through the Flemish Trainers School and recognizes them;
  • Exchanges international trainers, sports experts and top athletes;
  • Conducts and coordinates sports promotion at the Flemish level;
  • Subsidizes, guides and inspects sports federations, sports services and other sports actors;
  • Is the central point of contact for top athletes, from talent detection, top sport schools, Be Gold projects to elite athletes participating in European and World Championships;
  • Executes the Flemish Top Sport Policy;
  • Operates the Sports Knowledge Center;
  • Advises, guides and subsidizes the development of sports infrastructure in Flanders;


Cycling Vlaanderen

Cycling Vlaanderen

Belgian Cycling aims to develop and promote cycling races and cycling in general in all disciplines and to all different target groups. As a sports federation, Belgian Cycling aims first and foremost to develop cycling as a sport:
  • A sport that values ​​certain values, such as competition, efforts, character, health, fair play and respect for the opponent, environment and nature;
  • A sport that at the same time exhibits a very diverse (by the numerous disciplines) competitive aspect, where enormous athletic qualities are required, and a recreational aspect, where relaxation and respect for nature are central.
In this role, Belgian Cycling wants to focus its promotion on youth, training and the organization of the necessary competitions and activities. Belgian Cycling represents - as an umbrella federation - Belgian cycling on national and international level, and works in close consultation with regional wings Cycling Flanders and the Fédération Cycliste Wallonie-Bruxelles. For the general public, Belgian Cycling mainly has a face through the national teams that take part in many disciplines during major international championships. The national championships, where the best riders in each discipline can distinguish themselves, can count on a lot of interest.
As a sports federation, Belgian Cycling invariably believes in its social function and in its role as ambassador of cycling in general.
  • Cycling is more than just a sport: the bicycle is an economical, healthy, ecological and nature-friendly means of transport that can contribute to a large extent to solving the problems society is facing (transport, mobility, physical exercise as a daily habit);
  • Cycling in its globality forms the basis for the development and evolution of cycling as a sport.


de vereniging van sport- en keuringsartsen

de vereniging van sport- en keuringsartsen


Research Foundation Flanders

Research Foundation Flanders

This project was funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) as applied biomedical research with a primary social finality (TBM) (FWO-reference T003717N)





16:00 - 17:30
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locatie: Kulak 08.04a

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Vivamus vitae ullamcorper est. Sed accumsan libero ante, vitae dictum sem elementum id. Donec sollicitudin tellus sit amet lobortis semper. Duis ornare vestibulum lorem vel tempor. Aenean ut libero massa. Cras gravida, ex eu gravida congue, dui ligula pulvinar est, id ultrices quam nibh sed tellus.

Sed malesuada, nisi in aliquam vehicula, quam massa vehicula neque, quis sollicitudin diam felis vitae tortor. Morbi molestie varius mi id maximus. Maecenas purus libero, viverra sit amet commodo a, sodales ac arcu. In et turpis a nisi auctor venenatis id ut sapien. Suspendisse posuere eros eu magna condimentum, ac convallis justo lobortis. Nulla non tellus eget lectus lobortis condimentum eget id nulla. Praesent auctor tempus sapien, quis consequat risus mattis eget.

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