Study design

Who can participate (only in Belgium)?

Non athlete's or athlete's in technical/tactical sports:

  • Men
  • Competing in skill based activities with no required aerobic training (e.g. chess, riflery, archery, billiards, bowling).
  • Aged 45-70y.
  • Performing less than 3 hours of endurance sport per week.

Endurance-sport competitors:

  • Men
  • Training in triathlon (>10h/week), cycling (>10h/week), rowing (>6h/week), canoeing (>6h/week), distance running (1500 meters or longer; >6h/week), swimming (>6h/week).
  • Aged 45-70y.
  • Who have been training since the age of 30 as well as who started endurance training after the age of 30 and at least 6 months ago.

You can not participate if:

  • You take medication which is related to the heart or blood vessels function. 
  • You are known with a heart condition which makes sport participation impossible.
  • You can not take a CMR (if you have a pacemaker).
  • You are not able to get to one of our testing centers in Belgium.

What is involved?

You can participate by filling in the questionnaire. If you want to, you can get a message to participate for the tests.

If you are selected you will receive an invitation to undergo comprehensive evaluation of the heart and blood vessels (see below). Selection of the individuals that undergo these examinations is entirely random. During the follow 2 years you will receive a 6 monthly phone call and your regimen will be followed.

The tests we will be conducting are (After selection):

  • Heart ultrasound
  • VO2max test
  • DEXA scan
  • 24hour Holter monitor
  • Blood samples
  • Coronary CT
  • Some people will receive a Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging (CMR)

This study started in 2019 and inclusions were finished in 2022. Registrations are closed. The complete trial design can be found here

16:00 - 17:30
uur aanpassen
locatie: Kulak 08.04a

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vel erat aliquam augue posuere pharetra. Vestibulum convallis tortor ligula, id pharetra nulla efficitur ac. Quisque ac velit ut nisi sodales molestie. Duis mollis vitae tellus ut sagittis. Donec egestas egestas tellus, eget posuere augue semper non. Vivamus accumsan metus sit amet elementum dapibus.

Vivamus vitae ullamcorper est. Sed accumsan libero ante, vitae dictum sem elementum id. Donec sollicitudin tellus sit amet lobortis semper. Duis ornare vestibulum lorem vel tempor. Aenean ut libero massa. Cras gravida, ex eu gravida congue, dui ligula pulvinar est, id ultrices quam nibh sed tellus.

Sed malesuada, nisi in aliquam vehicula, quam massa vehicula neque, quis sollicitudin diam felis vitae tortor. Morbi molestie varius mi id maximus. Maecenas purus libero, viverra sit amet commodo a, sodales ac arcu. In et turpis a nisi auctor venenatis id ut sapien. Suspendisse posuere eros eu magna condimentum, ac convallis justo lobortis. Nulla non tellus eget lectus lobortis condimentum eget id nulla. Praesent auctor tempus sapien, quis consequat risus mattis eget.

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